
Most expensive item in skyrim
Most expensive item in skyrim

most expensive item in skyrim

Take the next set of steep stairs up again, and the house is at the very top.

most expensive item in skyrim

Location: To locate this, as soon as you enter the city, turn right and take the steep set of stairs in the corner. Chat to Jarl Elisif the Fair saying you've placed the horn at the shrine, then chat to Falk Firebeard again to get the chance to purchase the property. Visit Falk Firebeard in Solitude who will ask you to clear out an nearby cave.

most expensive item in skyrim

How to unlock: You can buy this on the way to becoming Solitude's Thane. Location: You can find this in the centre on the high street, on the right 'branch' of the city, next to Skyrim Faction Bards College. After that, report back to the Jarl, then chat to the Steward Anuriel to purchase it. To do this, you need to impreess Jarl Laila Law-Giver of Riften - you can do this by completing the skooma dealer quest (chat to Wujeeta in the Riften Fishery in the docks area to start the trail), and after that, increasing your reputation of Riften's citizens by running errands (run around and they'll give you tasks to do). How to unlock: You have to buy this on the way to becoming Thane in Riften. Location: From where you enter Riften, take a right, and it's the house at the end on the corner. Part of the quest has you access the house, after of which you can speak to Jorlief in the Palace of Kings, who will sell it to you. How to unlock: Complete the 'Blood on the Ice' quest in Windhelm, which you can trigger by heading to the graveyard past midnight.

most expensive item in skyrim

Location: This is in the North West corner of the city, opposite the House of Cruel-Sea. How to unlock: To purchase it, talk to Proventus Avenicci in Dragonsreach (we found in him the Living Quarters) after you've completed the Dragons Rising story mission. Location: From where you enter Whiterun, it's the second building on the right, after Warmaiden's. Watch on YouTube Where to buy houses in Skyrim

Most expensive item in skyrim